Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: A few
  • Treasure: Trade contacts

At the meeting with Declan’s wife and a handful of “stakeholders,” the group discovered that Declan was aboard a prototype airship called the Cloud Ant, which was supposed to have arrived in Fairhaven from Stormhome a couple of days ago. Declan’s wife showed the assemblage a scrap of paper on which was written a message sent magically by Declan: “Ship stolen. Aerdane captured. Others killed or captured. Elf and I escaped. Hiding in caves near Dig’s End. Think I hear a bear. Help! Declan.”

Based on Oleg’s glowing recommendation, the stakeholders asked the Four Gulls group to help investigate the matter and recover Declan and the airship if at all possible, and Spike, Chow, and Richard agreed. They got directions to Dig’s End, turned into mobile clouds of mist using Richard’s wind walk spell, and set off.

They found the small farming village easily. Scanning the environs for a few minutes, they discovered a cave mouth north of the village and checked out the first few tunnel intersections before rematerializing and heading into Dig’s End. They told the innkeeper, Joachim, that they were looking for a friend of theirs who was supposed to be visiting the village, and mentioned that maybe he had gotten lost in the caves to the north. Joachim filled them in on the area’s history – the caves were actually some old, unproductive mines. Joachim’s grandfather had been one of the original prospectors, and when the mines had failed to produce, he and the rest of the miners stayed and started farming the small valley where the village now stood. Joachim then called over a kid named Derek, who reported that he had heard voices in the fog in the middle of the night last night. The group thanked them for the information, had lunch, and headed into the caves.

More flavor text to follow eventually…

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