Archive for the 'Vol. 18: Tatters of the King' Category

Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 650
  • Treasure: Some individually-purchased items and some information

The group spent a couple more days in the City of Air gathering information, establishing contacts, and bartering with the local merchants. They also did a rather elaborate favor for a follower of Zheenkeef, the Lady of Wine and Inspiration. Kherak, the priest, enlisted their aid in showing his acolyte, Erog the half-orc, more of the world. Using a series of teleport spells in random directions, the party deposited the hung-over, yellow-clad half-orc on the Montaigne side of the river that formed the border between that nation and its current foe, Castille.

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Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 650
  • Treasure: Some individually-purchased items and some information

While Spike and Will waited in Cardican for some charts to be delivered, Chow and Richard accompanied Chow’s sister and a wizardly friend of the Lee family to a bazaar on the Pillar of Air.

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Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 650
  • Treasure: 400 pp each, scroll of greater teleport; masterwork dagger
  • Identified magic items: +1 glamered chain shirt; +1 chain shirt; +1 defending quarterstaff; cloak of Charisma +2; 2 rings of protection +1; +1 scimitar; +1 dagger; +1 whip-dagger; +1 elven chain; scroll of lesser geas, confusion; amulet of natural armor +1; Heward’s Handy Haversack

The group made many contacts in the Avalonian city of Cardican.
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Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 2000
  • Treasure: None to speak of
  • Unidentified magic items: 2 chain shirts; quarterstaff; cloak; 2 rings; scimitar; dagger; whip-dagger; elven chain; scroll

Spike, Richard, Chow, and Will disrupted the King’s Players’ premiere performance of Tatters of the King in the Avalonian city of Cardican.
More flavor text to follow…

Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 650
  • Treasure: None to speak of

Will used his divinatory magic to verify that Torya had indeed written the letter to Togar while in Fenshire, and had not been under any compulsion while doing so.

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