Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: A few
  • Treasure: Trade contacts

The group had a busy first afternoon and evening in Fairhaven:

  • They had dinner at the Cross-Eyed Mermaid.
  • They checked in with several trading contacts, who were looking for leather, apples, and various other goods.
  • One contact, Declan Redwind, was missing. His cousin, Oleg, was aboard the group’s ship after having been picked up in Khemti. He recommended to Declan’s wife that the Four Gulls might be able to recover her husband. They agreed to meet with her in the morning.
  • The group met Vittorio Oardipper, one of Ivan’s old pirating buddies. The two fellows had been co-commanders of a fleet of seven ships before a falling out a few decades ago, though they seem to have patched things up almost immediately.
  • Spike, Camina, Isaac, and Chow headed to the Red Light District, where they were recommended to Jasmine Alley. Chow met a couple of his countrymen and a pretty young geisha named Kushi, while Spike and Carmina spent the evening gambling and carousing. The group also ran into a very intoxicated Ivan, who seemed happy to be home.
  • Richard was surprised by a strangely emotive rat jumping on his desk. He quickly discerned that the rat was a polymorphed being, and helped remove the ensorcellment. The man, a human mage named Laranga, had inadvertently transmogrified himself with a magical knotted string, and thanked Richard profusely for helping him. The two grabbed dinner and drinks, and spent a couple of hours swapping stories.

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