Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 2500
  • Treasure: two +1 keen short swords;  +2 mithral chain shirt; +1 mighty cleaving greatsword; cloak of charisma +2; 10,220 sp; 2950 gp; 45 pp; six gems worth 300 gp each (total 1800 gp)

After some discussion, the Lobstermen ship and their escorts departed. When they were out of sight, Richard, Spike, and Chow descended to the sea floor. They found the wreck of the Tammeraut‘s stern stuck through an artificial layer of Valossan-runed stone. Spike was attacked immediately upon entering a hole in the hull, but Richard’s summoned water elemental made quick work of the drowned ones when it obliterated the remains of the ship in a spectacular vortex.

The remaining drowned one and the ghostly octopus in the cave below fled into the extradimensional gate at one end of the cave when the party attacked. The ghostly former ship captain proved a bit more of a challenge, but fell to the party’s combined forces regardless. With the immediate threats neutralized, Richard blocked up the extraplanar orifice with shaped stone plug fused to the sea floor. While investigating the pile of bones in the cave, Spike happened to clear the space around a hideous, squat little statue representing the bulbous, finned, tentacled form of Dagon. Upon seeing the statue, the ship captain began behaving irrationally, alternately babbling, stabbing at the statue, and striking at Richard. The priest successfully removed the curse from his friend, dropped a dagger to the seafloor near the statue to aid in future scrying attempts, and swam through the hole above. With all three companions accounted for, Richard created an inconspicous wall of stone to cover the hole and disguise the fact that it had even been there.

When the three returned to the surface, they discovered that Will had reappeared on deck bearing a strangely upbeat letter from Torya, addressed to her brother Togar. Wondering if the fun would ever start, they stowed their new-found loot and racked out for some well-deserved rest.

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