Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 390
  • Treasure: 25 gp each (from Brother Egil); 4 short swords; 4 light crossbows; 15 bolts; 5 daggers; 17 sp; 10 gp; brooch (5 gp); ivory-hilted dagger with ‘L’ carved into the hilt; crumpled parchment with address in the Docks district

Spent an uneventful night in various locations. Talked to Egil and found out about his friend Lucius. Agreed to try to find the missing librarian. Went with Egil to check out Lucius’s house. Found a scrap of paper labeled ‘To Do List’, numerous geographical scrolls and books, and Lucius’s diary.

Attempted to talk to Captain Scarbelly, but were rebuffed by his first mate. Chow offered to wait for the captain to leave, and the rest of the group went to talk to Father Milos at the Scriptorium of Tinel. Found out more about Lucius and his strange past behavior, as well as his recent questioning and disappearance. Also asked Milos about the book recovered from the cult leader’s abode below the warehouse. Left the temple, and scattered to ask around town about various topics (cults, turnips, Finn, investment opportunities, etc.).

Spent several hours chatting up the locals at the Indecipherable Scroll, with varying degrees of success. Talked to Wilmina Gertz, the propietress, about Lucius, possessions, and unspeakable cults. Chow eventually showed up with confirmation that Lucius had been on Scarbelly’s ship for several months after disappearing five years ago, and had traveled to most of the ports around the Inworld Sea.

Left the bar, and were ambushed on the way back to your lodgings. Took out most of the assailants, but the crossbowman on the roof escaped. Found what appears to be Lucius’s dagger on the leader, as well as a crumpled piece of parchment containing an address in the Docks district.

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