Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 1000
  • Treasure: 180 pp, 462 gp, 350 sp, 600 cp, ring of protection +1, arcane scroll (bull’s strength, invisibility, rope trick, all caster level 3rd), oil of invisibility, ring of counterspells (banishment), periapt of wisdom +2

Based on Will’s advice regarding devils, Spike armed himself with a matched cold iron rapier and dagger after the group left the house. After another restless night, the party assembled in the Eastern District and headed back into Cresh Manor. Checking the remains of the chain devil a little more closely, they discovered a trio of magical trinkets they had overlooked in the post-battle sweep the previous day.

As they investigated the former play room next door, Balama seemed abruptly puzzled when she heard a child’s voice whisper, “Mommy?” in her ear. When she picked up a toy and held it out in front of her, a ghostly apparition of a child rose from the floor and grabbed her hand, while seven other ghost children emerged and struck at the rest of the party. Richard informed the children that their parents (not to mention Harrimast) were probably severely disappointed with them, to which the kids gave a screech before disappearing.

The party collected their breath and checked out the remaining rooms in the east wing before approaching the fire-dancing devils. Chow approached the shattered tea room with some trepidation, fearing that the slowly oscillating chandelier overhead and broken glass on the floor implied a trap or creature that he couldn’t detect, so the party avoided the room. Instead, they positioned themselves around the door to the living room and prepared to face the devils.

The next few moments were a blur of combat, seeing Spike’s nice cold iron weapons dissolved by contact with one babau’s skin, Richard banishing one devil to what appeared to be a plane of water, and the other devil teleporting away from the melee. Once again the party caught their breath and searched the room. Chow spotted some strange holes in the western wall that further investigation revealed to open into a narrow secret tunnel, presumably used in Cresh’s day to spy on guests in the living room.

The group next moved on to the great room where Richard had been accosted by the allip. This time around, they formulated a plan and took out the undead apparition with minimal fuss. With that room cleared, they turned to the only unopened doors on the east side of the first floor. The first revealed a storage room containing a mass of gore that may have been a corpse at one point, and the second opened on a man in pink and yellow robes rifling through piles of books and papers among the toppled bookcases on the floor. As the door opened, the man’s demonic companion leapt at the party.

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