Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 1250
  • Treasure: 3 masterwork breastplates, 2 masterwork falchions, masterwork composite longbow (+3 STR rating), 20 arrows, 83 gp, 60 pp, white opal (1100 gp), +1 greatsword, wand of cat’s grace (22 charges, 3rd caster level)

The group went to the temple of Harrimast to get their wounds healed, and then checked with Will and the Wizards’ Guild to verify that the things they had seen dancing around a fire in the former dining room were in fact babau demons. Spike went off in search of weapons to exploit one of the demons’ suspected weaknesses. That done, the party holed up to recover for their next foray into Cresh Manor.

After a restless night, the party reassembled at dawn in the Eastern District. This time around, Richard brought along one of his crewmates, a tall cloaked figure named Lumineaux, for backup and additional muscle.

Chow led the way back into the house. The group discussed their options and decided to clear the first floor before moving upstairs. Chow was set upon immediately when he opened one of the interior doors off the entry hall.

(More flavor text later…)

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