Session Summaries; Vol. 09: Vengeance in Freeport @ 26 Nov 2006 09:58 am by Kevyspice
Rewards Earned
- Experience Points: 4000
- Treasure: +1 frost rapier; +2 leather armor; bead of force; cape of the mountebank; potion of cure serious wounds; 2 smokesticks; finely wrought gold bracelet studded with 4 red garnets (580 gp); 70 gp
Using one of Will’s dimensional doors, the group surprised the hell out of Zelkema in Spike’s old room at the Last Resort. The warehouse owner barely had time to look up from the letter he was composing before Spike, Edo, Gor-bob, and Will dispatched him. Chow grabbed the letter from the man’s desk as the party made their way out of the hotel.
That loose end tied up, the group discussed how to approach their other outstanding nemesis, Boss Tillinghast. Gor-bob entreated with Pawgma to narrow down the former commissioner’s current location to an inn in Eisen, around 3000 miles to the northeast of Freeport. Using the proceeds from the sale of the nice heavy crossbow carried by one of the orcs in Parnass’s basement, Will bought a couple of scrolls containing the greater teleport spell. The group talked for a while, then rested up until the small hours of the morning.
Will verified with his crystal ball that Tillinghast was asleep in his room. The wizard then read one of the scrolls, and the group appeared suddenly in the distant city. Before the former commissioner could raise an alarm, the group grabbed him and teleported with Will back to the basement of Ztorage. They immediately threw him into the combination-locked vault, told him that the two barrels inside contained food and water, and slammed the door closed.
A while later, Lady Elise responded to the group’s invitation to have a few words with Tillinghast. Gor-bob softened the fellow up with a bad word from Pawgma and watched the Councilwoman from outside the vault. After she spoke briefly and left, Will took first watch outside the vault, waiting for Tillinghast to get thirsty and trigger the trap awaiting in the barrels. Will stewed for a couple of hours, mentally replaying the Freeport Four trial and the chaotic events surrounding it. He then opened the door and sprayed a handful of magic missiles into the former commissioner. The group quickly and covertly moved Tillinghast’s remains to one of the more prominent gibbets in town.
A couple of days later, the party accepted an invitation to meet with Finn, the leader of the Halfling Benevolent Association, and Patch Carty, the leader of the Buccaneers (a recently acquired wholly owned subsidiary of HBA, Inc.). After some hours of discussion at the Temple of Harrimast, the Freeport Four came to an equitable arrangement with the two organizations. Carty agreed to “convince†Gitch to go legit and perform his firefighting service without the attendant protection racket, while Finn agreed to provide the group with leads on any activities that would generally be considered bad for business and for the city.
That last loose end settled, the group turned their thoughts to their respective futures. Will finished setting up Teach Investigations, and immediately started looking into various missing persons cases around town.
Edo opened Edo’s Tropicain, specializing in exotic goods and foods from the jungles. In an unrelated development, word spread quickly about a new “specialist†on Dreaming Street in Scurvytown.
Spike finalized the paperwork for Four Gulls Mercantile, officially becoming a part of Freeport’s shipping industry.
Gor-bob consecrated the new Re-Fectory of Pawgma in the abandoned inn in Scurvytown.
Chow helped out his friends in a variety of capacities, not least of which was delivering a guilt-ridden note from Zelkema transferring ownership of Ztorage to the Freeport Four in an effort to make amends for his role in the recent bombings.
Thus established as Freeport businessmen, the Freeport Four (plus n) started concentrating on their individual pursuits with a promise to assist each other in the future as needed.