Rewards Earned

  • Experience Points: 1150
  • Treasure: None to speak of

After forumulating a plan with the marine leader and passing a restless night, the group led a dawn attack on the Docks District. They defeated two contingents of Cutthroats and hobgoblin soldiers, effectively neutralizing Draegar Redblade’s hold on the city’s food supply. They did not encounter Draegar himself, but learned from captured thugs that the hobgoblin leader was probably holed up in a safehouse somewhere in Scurvytown.

With the two warehouses secure, the group made their way to the Last Resort to consult with Lady Elise and other sympathetic members of the Captain’s Council about what they wanted done next. The consensus was that Boss Tillinghast could wait, and that no one would lose any sleep if the party capitalized on the current turmoil to rid the Docks and Scurvytown of their respective dominant organized criminal elements. Lady Elise intimated that if the city had to have such a presence, Finn had made himself the least offensive over the years. The party agreed, bid the Council good day, and discussed how to proceed.

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